Thursday, November 25, 2010


I asked my friend, Joan, to write a Thanksgiving prayer for my blog and she composed this beautiful prayer...Thank you Joan, it is beautiful.

Heavenly Father,

I stand here in amazement of what you have done for us. All of us. Everyone in this beautiful world that you made and we get to enjoy
the awesomeness of it.

Father at this time of the year we all reflect on how greatful and blessed we are, and the ones who are in desparate need of your help.
Thank you for Family, Friends and loved one near and far. Father bless the many men, women and children who have found themselves in deparate need this year. Provide for all their needs.

Father bless and protect our servicemen who serve our country here and in foregin lands. Bless their families and protect them.

We love you Lord and we are so very, very greatful for all that you have provided. Father keep me ever mindful that everyday is a day
to be greatful. Not just one day out of the year but everyday.



Father, help us to remember that you are "the way the Truth and the life. That you give us Hope everyday not just once a year. That Abundance does not mean things. To remember to Love our Neighbors as we love ourselves. For His merciful Kindness is great toward us. Our Savior, Lord
of all. We are forever Greatful for all that you do for us. That you Oh Lord are the fairest among the lillies and you are Indescribeable. You have given us Victory. "As for me, You uphold me in my Integrity. And set me before Your face forever". Psalm 117:2 Whatever things are True, whatever things are Noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything "praiseworthy--mediate on these things. Phil. 4:8 Finally my friends it is better to Give than to receive.

May God Bless You All Abundantly, remember this is the day of Giving Thanks.


Joan DeFoe

Love and Kisses